This pri­va­cy state­ment was last updated on 26. Juni 2023 and appli­es to citi­zens and legal per­ma­nent resi­dents of the Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Area and Switz­er­land.

In this pri­va­cy state­ment, we explain what we do with the data we obtain about you via We recom­mend you careful­ly read this state­ment. In our pro­ces­sing we com­ply with the requi­re­ments of pri­va­cy legis­la­ti­on. That means, among other things, that:

  • we cle­ar­ly sta­te the pur­po­ses for which we pro­cess per­so­nal data. We do this by means of this pri­va­cy state­ment;
  • we aim to limit our coll­ec­tion of per­so­nal data to only the per­so­nal data requi­red for legi­ti­ma­te pur­po­ses;
  • we first request your expli­cit con­sent to pro­cess your per­so­nal data in cases requi­ring your con­sent;
  • we take appro­pria­te secu­ri­ty mea­su­res to pro­tect your per­so­nal data and also requi­re this from par­ties that pro­cess per­so­nal data on our behalf;
  • we respect your right to access your per­so­nal data or have it cor­rec­ted or dele­ted, at your request.

If you have any ques­ti­ons, or want to know exact­ly what data we keep of you, plea­se cont­act us.

1. Purpose, data and retention period

We may coll­ect or recei­ve per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on for a num­ber of pur­po­ses con­nec­ted with our busi­ness ope­ra­ti­ons which may include the fol­lo­wing: (click to expand)

2. Cookies

Our web­site uses coo­kies. For more infor­ma­ti­on about coo­kies, plea­se refer to our Coo­kie Poli­cy

3. Disclosure practices

We dis­c­lo­se per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on if we are requi­red by law or by a court order, in respon­se to a law enforce­ment agen­cy, to the ext­ent per­mit­ted under other pro­vi­si­ons of law, to pro­vi­de infor­ma­ti­on, or for an inves­ti­ga­ti­on on a mat­ter rela­ted to public safe­ty.

If our web­site or orga­ni­sa­ti­on is taken over, sold, or invol­ved in a mer­ger or acqui­si­ti­on, your details may be dis­c­lo­sed to our advi­sers and any pro­s­pec­ti­ve purcha­sers and will be pas­sed on to the new owners.

4. Security

We are com­mit­ted to the secu­ri­ty of per­so­nal data. We take appro­pria­te secu­ri­ty mea­su­res to limit abu­se of and unaut­ho­ri­zed access to per­so­nal data. This ensu­res that only the neces­sa­ry per­sons have access to your data, that access to the data is pro­tec­ted, and that our secu­ri­ty mea­su­res are regu­lar­ly review­ed.

5. Third-party websites

This pri­va­cy state­ment does not app­ly to third-par­ty web­sites con­nec­ted by links on our web­site. We can­not gua­ran­tee that the­se third par­ties hand­le your per­so­nal data in a relia­ble or secu­re man­ner. We recom­mend you read the pri­va­cy state­ments of the­se web­sites pri­or to making use of the­se web­sites.

6. Amendments to this privacy statement

We reser­ve the right to make amend­ments to this pri­va­cy state­ment. It is recom­men­ded that you con­sult this pri­va­cy state­ment regu­lar­ly in order to be awa­re of any chan­ges. In addi­ti­on, we will actively inform you whe­re­ver pos­si­ble.

7. Accessing and modifying your data

If you have any ques­ti­ons or want to know which per­so­nal data we have about you, plea­se cont­act us. You can cont­act us by using the infor­ma­ti­on below. You have the fol­lo­wing rights:

  • You have the right to know why your per­so­nal data is nee­ded, what will hap­pen to it, and how long it will be retai­ned for.
  • Right of access: You have the right to access your per­so­nal data that is known to us.
  • Right to rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on: you have the right to sup­ple­ment, cor­rect, have dele­ted or blo­cked your per­so­nal data when­ever you wish.
  • If you give us your con­sent to pro­cess your data, you have the right to revo­ke that con­sent and to have your per­so­nal data dele­ted.
  • Right to trans­fer your data: you have the right to request all your per­so­nal data from the con­trol­ler and trans­fer it in its enti­re­ty to ano­ther con­trol­ler.
  • Right to object: you may object to the pro­ces­sing of your data. We com­ply with this, unless the­re are jus­ti­fied grounds for pro­ces­sing.

Plea­se make sure to always cle­ar­ly sta­te who you are, so that we can be cer­tain that we do not modi­fy or dele­te any data of the wrong per­son.

8. Submitting a complaint

If you are not satis­fied with the way in which we hand­le (a com­plaint about) the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data, you have the right to sub­mit a com­plaint to the Data Pro­tec­tion Aut­ho­ri­ty.

9. Contact details

ABW-Aka­de­mie — Aka­de­mie für Acht­sam­keit, Bil­dung und Wis­sen zur För­de­rung und Bewah­rung der Volks­bil­dung, Lebens­freu­de und Genuss­kul­tur
Ave­na­ri­us­weg 7
4020 Linz
Pho­ne num­ber: +43 2752 / 500 90 30